perceptual quantizer
perceptual quantizer


Adaptive perceptual quantizer for HEVC main 10 profile

PerceptualQuantizer(PQ)providesasolutiontothisproblem,whichisusedasAnchorbasedontheHEVCMain10coding.However,PQisnotadaptivetoHDR ...

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Perceptual quantizer

The perceptual quantizer (PQ), published by SMPTE as SMPTE ST 2084, is a transfer function that allows for HDR display by replacing the gamma curve used in SDR.

Tone-Mapping Using Perceptual

In the first step, the real-world pixel intensities of the HDR image are transformed to a perceptual domain using the perceptual-quantizer (PQ).

Adaptive perceptual quantizer for HEVC main 10 profile

Perceptual Quantizer (PQ) provides a solution to this problem, which is used as Anchor based on the HEVC Main 10 coding. However, PQ is not adaptive to HDR ...

Achieving 12

The most widely used EOTF for HDR content is the 12-bit perceptual quantizer (PQ) curve [10], also known as the ST. 2084 standard that covers 0 to 10,000 nits.

[PDF] The Perceptual Quantizer

• The Perceptual Quantizer or 'PQ' is an efficient signal non-linearity for HDR applications. • It is modeled after elements of human vision ...


杜比HDR的核心技術叫做「感知量化」(Perceptual Quantizer,PQ)的電-光轉換功能(EOTF,將電信訊號轉為可見光),這項技術將亮度標準定義在10,000Nits(普通的 ...

如何將HDR技術運用至顯示器,使高畫質影像傳輸不失真亮度調校 ...

杜比HDR 的核心技術叫做「感知轉換」(Perceptual Quantizer,簡稱PQ) 的電—光轉換功能(簡稱EOTF,將電信訊號轉為可見光),這項技術將亮度標準定義在 ...


杜比HDR 的核心技術叫做「感知轉換」(Perceptual Quantizer,簡稱PQ)的電-光轉換功能(簡稱EOTF,將電信訊號轉為可見光),這項技術將亮度標準定義在10,000 Nits (普通的電視 ...

PQ and HLG transfer functions for HDR

PQ – PQ (or Perceptual Quantizer) is a transfer function devised to represent the wide brightness range (up to 10,000 Nits) in HDR devices. HLG ...


基於感知的量化器(英語:Perceptual Quantizer)或感知量化(英語:Perceptual Quantization)是一種用於高動態範圍(HDR)圖像的傳遞函數。它可用於亮度水平在0.0001尼特 ...


Theperceptualquantizer(PQ),publishedbySMPTEasSMPTEST2084,isatransferfunctionthatallowsforHDRdisplaybyreplacingthegammacurveusedinSDR.,Inthefirststep,thereal-worldpixelintensitiesoftheHDRimagearetransformedtoaperceptualdomainusingtheperceptual-quantizer(PQ).,PerceptualQuantizer(PQ)providesasolutiontothisproblem,whichisusedasAnchorbasedontheHEVCMain10coding.However,PQisnotadaptivetoHDR ...,Themo...